How to get solar displayed with a simple sensor?

I have the following sensors configured and the first one is continuously provided with real time solar power by another device. This I can see by looking at the entity data. The second sensor is straight from the documentation.

 - platform: mqtt
    name: "Solar panels total power"
    state_topic: "solar/totalPower"
    value_template: '{{ value | float }}'
    device_class: power
    unit_of_measurement: "W"
  - platform: integration
    source: sensor.solar_panels_total_power
    name: solar_energy
    unit_prefix: k
    round: 2

I can add the latter integration-sensor to the solar settings but after adding it looks like this (“statistics_not_defined”):

And the Energy dashboard itself tells me that there is no data to report. I’ve waited for several hours.

What does the sensor itself report in the integration page?

I’m sorry, where is an “integration page”?

Settings>Integrations>(solar integration)>devices (inside integration box)

Or search for sensor entity and look at properties to se e if it is outputting what you want first.

Looks like upgrading to the latest 2023.X version if Homeassistant Core made it work more robustly. I was running a one year old version.

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Yes, they have added a ton of support with variables and decimals in the latest revisions.