How to get started with adding plug in


I’m trying home assistant, running on a Pi2B and it did find my TV, router ikea lights and I added tuya to it.

Next thing wss adding my ewlink circuit breaker to HA.
I found this page and used file editor to edit the configuration.yaml file and to create new files under config/custom_components/ and then the Readme doesn’t tell you what to do.

I’ve been struggling with adding stuff to HA before and it’s probably me but I feel like I’m in the middle of the dessert with adding stuff to HA.

Probably been searching for the wrong terms as well.


Since you have file editor, you must be running homeassistant OS or homeassistant supervised. The best thing you can do is install the samba add-on, so you can access the /config and /config/custom_components directories from windows. Than you simply download peterbuga’s component and unzip it in a folder in custom_components.

Thanks, I’ll have a look at it.

Other thing I couldn’t remember I was trying to add was MQTT from a YouTube video guide., also could not get that going because even though it was the exact same name it looks completely different.

Don’t use YouTube videos to configure HA. HA changes so fast the video’s are outdated before they are published.

Then what should I use, because what I have found so far doesn’t really help me to make my home a smart home.

the official documentation as much as possible. It’s not always the best but at least it’s “official” and not likely to be (too…) outdated.

Have you tried it using the instructions there?

Again assuming you are running some form of supervised HA (HA Supervised or HA OS) then you can configure the MQTT add-on. I don’t use either of those myself so I can’t give any details but if you have troubles come back here and give specifics of where you are stuck and what you’ve tried.