How to get started with Zigbee on HA Yellow - guidance please

Hi - I’d like to get started adding Zigbee devices to a brand new HA Yellow kit I just received.
The kit is advertised as having a Zigbee controller installed.

I’d like to now steps to check the hardware is installed correctly, and then install Zigbee Home Automation correctly.
According to official instructions ( ( , the Zigbee should be present on “/dev/ttyAMA1”

However on attempted install of ZHA integtration only /dev/ttyAMA0, is offered as port to connect with, and then the install fails with a “fails to connect”

According to this item, “Silicon Labs Multiprotocol” needs to be installed prior to installing the integriaont:

I have installed Silicon Labs Multiprotocol nd configured as per instructions, except that again the instructions refer to the port should be “/dev/ttyAMA1” - however again only “/dev/ttyAMA0” is offered as an option during install.

So does this mean “/dev/ttyAMA1” is somehow disabled , need to be configured?
How do i check if there is a hardware issue and how to i get Zigbee up and running on this new device?

Grateful for any assistance, thanks