Pretty new to Home Assistant and working my way through the learning curve. I’ve got most everything working including sending pin codes (user codes) from Node-Red into a specific slot in my Z-Wave lock. All is good. The last step is to confirm that the code actually got to the lock successfully. I thought I would query the lock and the specific slot and get the return value and compare with what I sent.
That’s where I’m stuck. I can query the lock and see the pin code in slot 50 as an example when I look at the Events in the ZWave JS UI interface, but for the life of me I can’t figure out how to read that event into Node-Red so that I can parse the parameter that I need.
I’ve tried zwave_js_notification and zwave_js_value_notification in the events nodes but don’t see it there. Is there a way to get it from the integration? Is there a better way to do this?
Thanks for your reply Cornell. Is that something that exists in Node-Red or in HA? I did some searches but I’m afraid I need a bit more guidance. If you wouldn’t mind providing some additional detail I’d appreciate it.
The value change on a z-wave value exists in both node-red and in HA. I have very limited experience with node red but a lot of the Z-Wave stuff is similar.
To access it in HA you select device as your trigger type then select a Z-Wave Device from the list shown. Then select value change on a z-wave js value from the trigger list.
To access it in node-red you select the device node then select a Z-Wave device from the list. Then select value change on a z-wave js value from the trigger list.