How to get zwave live status updates

Where should I look to see the value of a zwave node changing? I just added a zooz outdoor motion detector and want to prepare some automations before hanging it outside. I keep waving my hand in front of it to see if I can trip some value to change so I know what entity to automation against but I can’t seem to figure out what entity id is changing when it registers motion.

Thanks for the assistance :slight_smile:

Why Z-Wave integration are you using?

I’m using OZW.


As asked above, we need to know what integration you are using. *** Edit: you answered as I was written this ***

If you use any zwave2mqtt (js or not) then “MQTT Explorer” is a GREAT tool for observing MQTT traffic.

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So you suggest I find the addon MQTT Explorer then or is there something else I should do to observe that traffic?

I don’t think MQTT Explorer would help you in this case.
A good percentage of people that use Zwave use MQTT to transport to HA.
Personally I have not used Open Z wave, but can’t you click on the device to expand information?
You could use “Developer Tools” to look up the state at the time you looked it up (does not do live updates).
You could look it up in history or make a history graph for the devices you want to see the status changes of.

I actually just found a solution, thanks for the assistance. I went to configuration > integrations > zwave (devices) > zwave outdoor sensor > entities. In the entities area I’m seeing live updates as I move my hand in front it. Thanks for taking the time to assist :slight_smile:

You might want to consider moving to a new Z-wave integration.
You can always make add the information for device manually but that can be tedious; since no new devices are added to this integration.
I personally just migrated from Zwave2MQTT to ZwaveJS2MQTT, I like both but the ZwaveJS2MQTT has some little improvements.
I only have about 20 Zwave devices at this time, but I am always adding. I’m in the process of replacing my Leviton light switches with Zwave energy monitoring light switches. I like the Leviton switches except for the period delay (sometimes minuets) and they don’t work without internet.

@GlennHA I was actually just considering making the switch to the zwave javascript integration. How much of a pain was it to move over to that? I don’t have that many devices but its always a hassle to exclude and re-include devices. I’m hoping to avoid that if possible.

It was not too bad. Since Z-wave stores everything on the controller you don’t really have to worry about reattaching them. The biggest hurdle for me was that I finally used the MQTT Home Assistant Auto-Discovery; I just had to fix all my automations since the device names changed because before I manually setup MQTT integrations. So, so, so, so much easier to let it auto-discover; there were a few that did not auto-discover but that was easy to tell it to try again.