How to give a Time of day sensor a unique entity id in yaml


Short description of the problem: “Time of day” sensors created in yaml file, can’t be adjusted from the UI, because the don’t have a unique entity_id. And I can’t find a work-around.

I’m playing with a Heating automation where I use 2 “time of day” sensors per day (total 14 sensors for a week). These 14 sensors have successfully been created within the UI as helpers. And can from the UI be adjusted. I also use 3 input_number and 14 input_boolean sensors. And everything works fine.
Now I would like to copy everything and create new sensors for another room. Therefore I have prepared my configuration yaml to be able to use packages. I have successfully created new heating_room1.yaml package file, with 14 TOD sensors, 14 input_boolean sensors and 3 input_number sensors, and they show up in the UI and can be used.
Problem: Except the TOD sensors can’t be adjusted because they don’t have a unique entity_id

In the documentation for the TOD the sensor doesn’t have an entity_id key

Any ideas on how you quickly and easy can create multiple new sensors, with unique entity_id’s. or how to give the TOD sensors in yaml files a unique entity_id?

kind regards
Jens M. Kofoed

This is not possible unless/until someone updates the integration.

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Thanks tom for the quick reply.