How to give acces to a host usb

I’m new to Home Assistant and recieved the Blue earlier this week. I was disappointed to notice my conbee 2 didnt work because the usb port are not functioning.

I’m reading something about giving acces to a host usb because it’s installed using docker…
I really have no clue… can someone explain this, and how do i get the usb ports to function ?

There‘s a Conbee II on the marketing picture of HA Blue, 99.9% sure the stick and USB in general do work.

It doesnt show up anywhere…

Try taking off the case/side plate. I seem to recall people having issues with the insertion depth into the USB ports. A USB extension also solved the issue for many.

A list of available device paths can be found in Supervisor > System > Host System > dot menu > Hardware .

Plug-in the Conbee, restart HA and it should be there. If not, it might have a defect.

It‘s true, that Docker containers by default do not provide access to the host‘s devices, but the guys at Home Assistant have taken care of it.

Damn, thats it! Due to the thickness of the backplate, the usb was not reaching to port enough… Never thought of it… thnx!