I thought I would create a post on a “How To” guide when installing a new ESP device into Home Assistant with ESPHome.
There are a lot of ESP devices out there so the below index will have a link to the post that shows you the “How To” guide for that ESP device. More ESP devices will be added in time.
Please feel free to post your “How To” guide below and if the community gives it a with 10+ I will create a link here (Please PM me if I have missed putting the index link). The “How To” guide must be in this post for me to link it, as I don’t want to hijack someone else’s topic.
When posting your “How To” guide, please use the 2nd post as a general format layout. At the top make sure you put the name of the ESP in bold so we will know where or how to link it in the top index and for what ESP device it is for. Your code may be enough with just a few steps if needed like in the 2nd post, the critical item is, you must push and hold down the button and then plug it in for it to be seen and installed (flashed) for the first time.
This is not a “How To”, to make the ESP do anything just a “How To” guide on connecting your ESP to Home Assistant and ESPHome so new users can get started. If you need help making it do something then please create a different topic on this forum as it is very active and a lot of community members are actively helping others.
If you try a “How To” guide and it works, please make sure you click the in that members post as it will show everyone it worked.