How to handle devices going offline at night by clock timer

Hi All,
In order to save some power my Denon receiver powers off at night. This is done by a timer switch. This causes a lot of Home Assistant connection errors in my log. Any way how to prevent this?
The solution I am looking for is to set a time that HA should try to connect to this specific device, ie. during the day from 06:00 AM to midnight.

I am not sure this is possible. The only thing I can think if is the actually remove the Denon from HA and then add it back each time (which is not advisable). HA has to keep checking integrated devices to make sure they are available.

A better option is to set the log level for the Denon, if you are only concern about the noise in the log.

Nor is it automateable. Having to remove and replace the integration every day would be a bigger PITA than a spammed error log.

Log level is definitely the way to go. Critical or fatal should do it.

To be fair @hass suggested the solution first.

Thanks Tom, corrected it.