How to handle guests staying over?

Hi! I want to disable motion detection in the guest bedroom when a guest is staying over.

I have a way to disable motion detectors, but they all come back on at 5am.

Rather than exclude this one set of motion detectors, I thought of adding an override:

  1. A toggle that when enabled would take precedence for controlling motion detectors. This is very manual, and I’ve already decided against t.
  2. An input.datetime that gives the “stays until” date. Then my automation needs a template to compare today > that date. To allow my wife access to this helper, I can add it to the dashboard.
  3. A calendar connection such that any “Guest Staying Over” calendar event triggers this mode. This way, I can also configure a start date to plan ahead, and my wife could also add it to our calendar, so it’s not just me.

#2 looks funky in the dashboard

Not a great dashboard experience because it requires 1 extra click:

Thinking about it, I can always add a start date input. I just can’t have more than one at a time which… That’s probably fine as we rarely have guests over, and definitely not multiple lined up at a time.

#3 issues

Using the calendar depends on adding a specific calendar all-day event with a specific name, so Home Assistant knows what to look for.

It’s something you have to remember how to do, and it’s not part of Home Assistant, so that means it’ll break if Internet troubles occur. I don’t like using a 3rd party system for this kinda stuff.

Hi! Let me share my solution that relies on automatic guest detection through WiFi.

Instead of manual switching or calendar events, the system automatically detects new devices joining the dedicated guest WiFi network. When this happens, Home Assistant switches the house into “Guest” mode, which:

  • Adjusts lighting schedules
  • Deactivates motion sensors in the guest room
  • Raises the DHW tank temperature to ensure sufficient hot water supply for both residents and guests
  • Implements other guest comfort optimizations

The solution runs completely locally without dependencies on external services. It’s fully automatic - no need to remember to enable a special mode or add calendar events.

Of course, I’ve kept the option for manual mode activation just in case.

What do you think about this approach?


Great idea. How do you detect the new device?

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