How to identify and change a theme color in States tab, or in general

Hey guys,
Im having an issue with a theme i applied (called Synthwave)
The states page has some very dark characters i cant read:

Anyone know how which setting i should tweak in a theme to control the color of the entities names?
Also, since i’ve spend a lot of time looking for it, by inspecting items on the browser’s console, is there a simple way to recognize and change them if it happens again in the future?

Thanks in Advance

Check out this post I made awhile ago. Shows you how to find things.

Thanks for the precise guide.
I was able to find out that it takes its value from primary-color.
Thing is i don’t want to change the primary color value, is there some way i can target that css specifically?

You need to select contrasting colours. So if you don’t want to change the primary colour for the text you will need to change the background colour, which is card-background-color:

I see.
Was trying out this synthwave theme from hacs but it seems like too much work to troubleshoot it :slight_smile:
I guess I’ll get back to my own theme :slight_smile:
Thanks for the input guys

I don’t suppose you ever did find out the descriptor for that particular entity-text in the States tab? I’m in the situation you were in. I don’t want to change the Theme primary-color and I don’t want to change the card-background-color, I just want to change that text color and I don’t know what to add to my Theme yaml to specify that bit of text.

I think I did, but I have no idea how.
Let me look into it tomorrow and tell you :slight_smile:

Edit: Never figured it out, went back to my own theme and gave up on the purple disco theme :smiley:

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–primary-color is the text color in that area. To clarify it inherits from --primary-color and that’s the only way to change it unless you use a custom solution.

Fair enough, I thought maybe I’d missed something in my Theme yaml and it was adopting primary-color instead. Background colour change it is then!

Just in case someone else stumbles across this topic, the background colour here is: -

table-row-background-color and