I’ve started seeing this warning in the logs upon restart related to websocket connections, but I’m not sure how to tell what this connection is to/from?
Logger: websocket
Source: /usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/websocket/_logging.py:66
First occurred: 9:42:25 AM (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 9:42:25 AM
websocket connected
I tried adding the following to my logger config, but no additional info was added in the logs upon the next restart. How can I tell what this websocket connection is to? And why am I being warned?
default: warn
websocket: debug
Running 2022.11.3.
Appreciate any insight or suggestions!
Thanks for the reply. Yes, that’s what led to me add the debug line for “websocket” in hopes of getting more detail, but I’m not getting anything additional in the logs. I don’t have any way of verifying that “websocket” is the correct value to put in the log config; just an assumption based on the “Logger” noted in the warning message.
Ultimately I just want to understand what is opening the websocket connection immediately at startup, but there’s no real detail provided.
I believe that your logger is not setup correctly, the logger does not log to incorrect log setup (what a sentence). I am not sure where websockets is but try
homeassistant.components.websockets: debug
homeassistant.core: debug
The latter will logically explode the number of lines so only use it for a short while.