How to synchronize 2 Moes wall dimmable switches and a shelly dimmer 2?
Executive Summary
How would I add a group switch with a working dimmable slider to the dashboard (controlling Shelly dimmer 2, and a Moe’s Smart switch)?
My HA experience level.
Still newbie I am sorry to say.
My configuration:
Shelly dimmer 2
Lamp is connected to (and controlled by) the shelly dimmer 2.
Moes smart switch (also dimmable), only power in.
Up to date Home Assistant on a Raspberry Pi
Home Assistant 2023.9.2
Supervisor 2023.09.2
Operating System 10.5
Frontend 20230911.0 - latest
HACS: Front End: Light Entity Card
GitHub - ljmerza/light-entity-card: Control any light or switch entity
Blueprint : Link On/Off State of multiple devices
The Moes smart switch only have power to it, so it can send signals (lamp on/off, dimmer etc) to HA. Not physically connected to the lamp.
What I want to achieve:
Light should turn on or off, irrelevant on which device was used (Moes smart switch or or HA).
All light switch symbols should be updated to reflect new state.
Light should dim up/down independent on where the dimmable order originates from. And the other dim symbols/slider etc for this lamp, should be updated accordingly
Long term, I want to replace all wall light switches with a smart switch (Moe’s dimmable one), with a shelly dimmer 2 in the roof cavity. So, might be 1 Moes and 1 Shelly for a light, up to 3 Moes and one shelly for a light.
What I have achieved so far.
On / Off works fine, after I created a group (using Link On/Off State of Multiple Devices v1.0.0).
Individual componentes (shelly, Moe’s switch) works fine with on/off
Shelly individual switch in my dashboard also have a dimmable slider which works fine.
My issue
Can not get dimmer functionality to be be synched in the group switch.
Moes individual switch in my dashboard also have a dimmable slider which can be moved up and down, but it is not connected to the lamp at all. So do not work.
How would I add the group switch with a working dimmable slider to the dashboard?