How would I implement this in HA and Lovelace?
- The three buttons are only to be coloured when selected. I do not want to use the 'standard/ switch icons/controls - the one where it moves left/right when on/off.
- Button is selected by pressing it.
- A button can only be deselected by pressing one of the other two unselected buttons.
- Default button is OFF and selected (coloured red).
- On/Off times are 24hr.
- Four rows of timers.
- Each On/Off time pair can be assigned to multiple days of the week, or none.
- Days of week is a tick box (or similar control if available in lovelace)
- Tick boxes toggle (selected/deselected) by pressing them.
I have no idea where to start with the card.
For the logic, I guess I could have three separate switches and use automation to control their behaviour? Or is there a better way - like to have a group of mutually exclusive switches where only one can be on at any one time? Can this be done?
The timers - it is possible to have arrays of times. Could I use:
entity: switch.heat_timer
attribute: times
<1st time on>
<1st time off>
<2nd time on>
<2nd time off>
<3rd time on>
<3rd time off>
<4th time on>
<4th time off>
or might I use
{% set timers = { 'on1':<a time?> , 'off1':<time> , 'selected1':'false; 'on2':<time> ... and so on}
{% set keys = timers.keys() | list %}
{% set values = timers.values() | list %}
{{ .. loop through timers ...}
On1, off1 and the selected1 is for the tickbox, on2, off2, selected2 and so on. Could I map those to input_time sensors?
I have no idea how to accomplish this - or even if it is possible. Then some automation would need to review these times through the day. Actually, would I be better off if each on/off pair triggers an event?
Help much appreciated please.