How to include controls on Thermostat card?

I’ve recently switch to home assistant os from a docker and overall things went smoothly. One thing that bothers me is that thermostat UIs now show + and - in addition to allowing you to simply use the slider (not something I asked for). I would like to re-enable the display of modes / allow me to switch, rather than going to submenu.

How may I show modes like it used to work in docker?

Look in the card settings.

PS things change when you update. What version were you on before the update?

I was just going to ask a similar question before I saw your edit. The second card is fairly old from what I remember.

Home Assistant 2023.5.2
Frontend 20230503.3


  • Core2024.2.5
  • Supervisor2024.03.0
  • Operating System
  • Frontend20240207.1

There we are, you missed 7 releases. Hope you fixed your problem now.

My problem is that I have two ways to adjust the temperature (+ and -, as well as slider), but in order to turn it on (or off), I have to navigate to a submenu.

My question was how I could recreate the old (perhaps better) card which features both ability to adjust temperature (via slider) as well as operational mode (which is hidden on the new layout).

And I gave you the answer. I’ll repeat: look in the card settings.

Do you see the option to add features?

Add HVAC Controls

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Thank you guys,
@nickrout, sorry I thought you were talking about 7 releases between the docker install and the OS.
@LiQuid_cOOled Thank you, I see what I need to do and appreciate assistance from both of you.