How to include dashboards within a package?

Hi experts,
In my configuration.yaml file, I have declared the packages section like this:
packages: !include_dir_merge_named packages/

under packages subdirectory, I’m trying to pack all the related files for a given package. For example, for the package lights, I added the following structure under my config directory:

I have an error when I try to validate the configuration:

expected a dictionary for dictionary value @ data[‘packages’][‘title’]

It seems that the parser doesn’t like the content of my “lights_dashboard.yaml” file. It’s content is starting with the following:

title: Lumières

  • title: ‘’
    path: ‘’
    • type: button
      action: more-info
      entity: group.lights_tout
      icon: mdi:lightbulb-group-outline
      show_state: false
      name: Toutes les lumières

All the other config files are OK!
Thanks in advance for your precious help.

Last I remembered, you can’t package lovelace.

Thanks Petro for your quick response.
I didn’t find any statement on that in the docs! :frowning:
Anyway, I’ll try another approach for the lovelace part. Inside another subdirectory… :wink:
Maybe, this could be an enhancement request for future releases.
Thanks again.