Just installed HA on a VirtualBox on home network. This was specifically to save my network of (6) CT-50 RadioThermostat units, since they are abandoning the service in May 2023.
I would also like someday to roll in to HA the rest of my home network, which is all Raspberry PI units (7) scattered around the property controlling and monitoring doors/windows/switches, etc. They are all MQTT-based, so I’d assume incorporating these would be straightforward.
For now I would be happy just to understand how to manage HA to the point where one CT-50 works. I found this article:
and it seems simple enough; just edit configuration.yaml and reboot. I did exactly that, and on the reboot I got a notification that HA did not like the update, and told me to remove it.
I’m one good YouTube video away from getting this working; can anyone point me in the right direction?