How to increase font size in an Entity Card displaying on an Android phone?

I have Home Assistant running in my Motorhome with an old Android phone mounted on the dash. I only have a few entities to show in an Entity Card but I need to increase the font size to make them readable while driving.
I have installed Card-Mod 3 and it is working as expected while testing on a PC (Chrome Version 119.0.6045.159 (Official Build, ungoogled-chromium) (64-bit)).
However, it is not changing the font size on the phone display (Chrome Ver.123.0.6312.100).
Any suggestions on how to tackle this problem?
Regards, Martin

Maybe the phone has cached the old CSS files and won’t load the new font-size.
Have you tried removing the app/page cache?

Not specificity. I have power cycled the phone. Will that do it?
Regards, M.

If it is a cache problem, then no. You can remove app cache in the settings of your phone. See this link for Android and this link for iPhone.

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