How to insert an indexed json value in a repeat loop

Hello I want to loop through a variable subset of 6 entities, and for each entity, I want to run a script with 2 parameters, the name of the entity, and a second parameter that is different for each entity, which can be found in a json-style variable.

E.g. List of entities:


E.g. List of parameters

airco_1: param1
airco_2: param2

I found an example to loop through a dynamicly-created list of entities, and I can use the entity name inside the loop by calling e.g. ac_off[repeat.index-1] in the code below , however I can’t figure out how to retrieve the adhoc parameter from within the json list, where the key to search for would be ac_off[repeat.index-1].

Here is the code that I’m stuck with:

alias: Test airco script
  ac_off: >
    {{ expand(area_entities('Clims')) | selectattr('state','in', ['off']) |
    map(attribute='entity_id') | list }}
  ac_off_count: >
    {{ expand(area_entities('Clims')) | selectattr('state','in', ['off']) | list
    | count }}
  map_attributes: >
    { "climate.ac_salon_haut": "salon_haut", "climate.ac_salon_bas": "salon_bas", "climate.ac_chambre_haut_fond": "ch_haut_fond"}
  - repeat:
      count: "{{ ac_off_count }}"
              - service: script.airco_action_an_ac_with_params
                data: |
                    {"ac_name": "{{ ac_off[repeat.index-1] }}", "ac_mode": "heat", "ac_prefix": "{{ map_attributes[ac_off[repeat.index-1]] }}" }
mode: single

This returns blank for the “ac_prefix” attribute.
I also tried




and nothing works…

Than must not be too difficult but I’m a total newbie…

Thanks for any hint!

Found it! I made 2 changes:

1/ based on previous posts I changed the way to build the dictionary entity, not sure if that changes anything

2/ I tried to declare an intermediate variable to avoid using double braces and it just seem to work…

alias: Test airco script
  ac_off: >
    {{ expand(area_entities('Clims')) | selectattr('state','in', ['off']) |
    map(attribute='entity_id') | list }}
  ac_off_count: >
    {{ expand(area_entities('Clims')) | selectattr('state','in', ['off']) | list
    | count }}
    climate.ac_salon_haut: salon_haut
    climate.ac_salon_bas: salon_bas
    climate.ac_chambre_haut_fond: ch_haut_fond
    climate.ac_chambre_haut_avant: ch_haut_avant
    climate.ac_chambre_bas_fond: ch_bas_fond
    climate.ac_chambre_bas_avant: ch_bas_avant
  - repeat:
      count: "{{ ac_off_count }}"
        - service: notify.persistent_notification
            message: >-
              {% set airco = ac_off[repeat.index-1] %}
              looping {{ airco }} with attribute {{
              mapping_attributes[airco] }}
mode: single