How to insert jinja list in min_max?

i know how to get a list of sensor of temperature by jinja:

liste de temp utilisables-------------------------
{% set liste_nom = states 
| selectattr('entity_id', 'match', 'sensor.*temp*') 
| rejectattr('state', 'in', ['unavailable', 'unknown', 'none'])
| selectattr('state', 'match', "^[0-9]") 
| map(attribute='name')
| list
{{ liste_nom }}

give me:

liste de temp utilisables-------------------------
['temperature_ext', 'Processor temperature', 'Bureau_TH SI7021 Temperature', 'Chambre des parents AM2301 Temperature', 'RDC2_Entree AM2301 Temperature', 'cpu_temperature']

how to integrate this list in min_max ?
should be something like that:

  - platform: min_max
    type: mean
    name: '2023 moyenne'
    entity_ids: "{{ states  selectattr('entity_id', 'match', 'sensor.*temp*') 
          | rejectattr('state', 'in', ['unavailable', 'unknown', 'none'])
          | selectattr('state', 'match', '^[0-9]') 
          | map(attribute='name')
          | list }}

but generate error on the jinja part…
is it possible ?
or only by templating ?

No. Very few integration configuration options support templates. If they do they will explicitly state so in the documentation.

Templates are nearly always only available under the following keys:


Thank you
I ll try template