How to install a new PCIe

Hola! I know technically this is not the right forum for my question, but hoping some of you reading this might be able to point me in the right direction.

Running HomeAssistant, frigate docker and OPNsense on an old computer. Everything is/was running great! I now want to install a new PCIe card with a coral TPU for frigate to use. I just can’t figure out how to do so!

When I try to google for help pretty much all the results are about PCIe passthrough, which I will have to do eventually but at the moment I need to be able to boot the machine first.

Original install of proxmox, HA and frigate was done using the integrated NIC. I then added a PCIe with two NICs which I am using for OPNsense.

On my first try, when booting with PCIe with coral TPU both the integrated NIC and the PCIe with NICs wouldn’t show any activity (no lights blinking). If I removed the PCIe with the Coral machine would boot up normally.

I then decided to swap the PCIe slots. I put the PCIe with the NICs where I had the Coral TPU PCIe connected and vice versa. This time when I boot the PCIe with the NICs does show activity. In fact I an boot up the machine and OPNsense works great. However the integrated NIC still doesn’t show any activity, and since that is the NIC used for home assistant and proxmox web server I am not able to log in.

All that said, any ideas on how I can properly install the PCIe with Coral TPU?

Try looking at your kennel logs. dmesg to start with.

So I got a solution! On another forum someone mentioned:

" When adding or removing PCIe devices the names of your NICs will change and then won’t match your old network config any longer. So when adding PCIe devices check the new interfaces names with ip addr and then edit your network config with nano /etc/network/interfaces changing the old NIC names to the new ones and restart networking with systemctl restart networking to get PVEs network working again."

So I booted without the PCIe Coral card and copied the info in /etc/network/interfaces

I then re booted but with the PCIe card installed. ran the ip addr command as suggested, and noticed the integrated NIC went from enp4s0 to enp8s0. opened up the interfaces config file and updated both instaces that showed enp4s0 to enp8s0.

I think these new fangled network names relate to the pci slot.