How to install AIO and Stretch

How do we install the AIO when Stretch is not supported? I have a blank SD card what do I do next? I don’t like HASS.IO because I have a 7" display on my PI and can’t use it if I install HASS.IO

It is not currently supported, but I was able to modify the few scripts that it uses in order to get it to install. The biggest issue with the AIO is that the Python 3.4 items, as well as OpenZWave versions, are hard-coded in the script. I can provide you some guidance, but it’s not a step-by-step guide.

Run: curl -O && sudo chown pi:pi

Modify: bash
(comment out ### the last line)
#( cd /home/$me/fabric-home-assistant && fab deploy -H localhost 2>&1 | tee installation_report.txt )

Run: bash

Modify: fabric-home-assistant/
(change all instances of python3.4 to python3.5)

Run the last line of the bash from ~/ directory:
cd /home/$me/fabric-home-assistant && fab deploy -H localhost 2>&1 | tee installation_report.txt

Wait for script to run. Then you’ll have to fix the openzwave installer. That’s another document altogether, which is documented here:

And if/when it fails, you’ll have to recompiled it manually:

Like I said, this is nothing more than a guideline. It’s not a step-by-step. Good luck!

Thanks but I’m no expert in code or programing. There is a lot of things that I would have to know in your example and I don’t. My first try at someone else’s example it just crashed, and I tried several more times with the same results.