Im doing a fresh instalationI based on the official x86 image, burned to the internal drive.
I have the need to install aditional drivers, one of them being a Ralink RT3290 Wireless card. Is there a way / tutorial these drivers can be installed without having to resort to a supervised instalation, based on debian? I see the several threads going on here but no conclusive ‘guide’ on how to conduct the instalation, as I can’t, for example get apt-get to work here.
The wireless adapter name is wlp2s0
If there is none, there is a problem with the Wi-Fi card or drivers - so this will not work.
Noe, type exit, to return to the haos console.
Use the following command: network update wlan0 --ipv4-method auto --ipv6-method auto --wifi-auth wpa-psk --wifi-**mode infrastructure --wifi-ssid <wifi name> --wifi-psk <wifi password>**
Replace wlan0 with your actual wireless adapter name, as found on the step before.
Make sure there are no spaces on your SSID or Password, otherwise, use “”.
After completing, it should say success. Reboot your device and you should not be connected to Wi-Fi.