How to install customUI with

I can’t even find config directory (although it is available via smb). Whatup?

Use the customizer option.

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Thanks for that.

I am feeling quite dense. Just trying to reshape some panels so they don’t all stack up on one side but can’t find any easy way.

Setting individual low level entity attributes doesn’t seem to be the answer, but I could be missing the big picture.

Set the customizer and then start with one entity at a time. It is not difficult once you get a feel for it.

Thanks @arsaboo, I was feeling dumb trying to install directly CustomUI in Hassio :grin:

@andrey I think the instructions at should have a link to the customizer component.

Scroll to the bottom of your linked page :slight_smile:

Yes, it is linked in the “Manual install” section but not in the “Hosted use” section. If I’m right, the component is needed also for the online version, or at least I couldn’t manage to get it working without.

I’m on HASSIO 81.6 and have manually installed and activated Custom UI. I just want color changing of the sensor icons. Ideally for the default icons to change colors in both the legacy and lovelace (new) UI. Any help is appreciated.

rgb_color: “if (state === ‘False’) return [251, 210, 41]; else return [54, 95, 140];”
custom_ui_state_card: state-card-custom-ui

I have downloaded en put it in the config dir. When I try to run the update with the command ./ I get error: -bash: ./ /bin/bash^M: bad interpreter: …
I have hassio installed on a raspberry pi 3.
How can I install custom UI on een raspberry pi?