How to install DOODS as an addon?

i have Hassio running on a laptop with Proxmox. i would love to install DOODS so it can help with object/people detection from my amcrest cameras.
i see DOODS is an addon. how do i install it?
here’s a youtube add that is very detailed but it’s only as a Docker containter n not as an addon

Did you figure this out? I want to do the same thing but it’s not working. Thanks

no add ons. have to use it as supervised container or something. this is not possible because im using the Hass OS. :frowning:

Thanks for the response. I figured out my problem. I was trying to use DOODS-amd64 but it doesn’t work with HA running on Proxmox. I tried the plain DOODS version of the add-on and it works perfectly. Good luck!

how or where did you get DOODS from to work with Hass OS?
in my add on store, i see nothing:

When you go to the Add-on page, look in the top right for three dots. Click there, then Repositories. At the bottom of the Repositories screen enter: Click Add. You should now have all the Snowzach add-ons, DOODS included. Good luck!

thank you! i see 3 Doods option. i have an intel Proxmox machine with a hassOS. guess i will try the first option with just “DOODS” and not the amd64 nor Cuda.

Hi all,

I do not understand why but I cannot find the doods add on even after adding the mentioned repository. Can someone help?

Restart your machine after adding the repository and it should show up.