How to install Add ons via bash script (.sh) file in Raspbian OS?

Hi all,

After successful installation of Docker and Hassio via Raspberry Pi Terminal screen, is it possible to install Add ons (Example: Samba Share) using bash script (.sh) file instead of HA 8123 page in Raspbian OS?

If yes, what bash command to run for such installation?


hassio addons --help

Tried this command:
hassio addons --help

But terminal displays error:
bash: hassio: command not found

I assume you are ssh’d into your hassio instance?


I only have Raspbian OS installed, with Add Ons.

So, I can’t run Hassio command in Raspberry Pi Terminal.


If you have add-ons, you are running hassio. If you are not running hassio, then you get no add-ons.


I installed my Home Assistant manually after installed Raspbian OS on my Raspberry Pi.

My Home Assistant with addons screenshot, as per below:

Now the issue is that my Raspberry Pi terminal cant execute hassio command, as mentioned by @nickrout.

So install the SSH add-on and use a port that’s not port 22

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