how to install python script in hassbian? i m familiar with linux but not python, and i certainly don’t know anything about python’s virtual environment.
currently, I m trying to install python-amcrest for my security camera. but that is just one of many components which i need additional python script. so, much help in this most basic environment is much appreciated.
read through it, and i do know that hassbian’s virtual environment is in /srv/hassbian
but since i have zero knowledge in python, i still don’t know how to get script from github and properly install it on the designated hassbian virtual environment.
I am right now looking for command line example on installation the hassbian script. given how popular hassbian is, i am a bit surprised that i can’t find ANY post contains such installation example…
Probably because installing other python libraries inside the Home Assistant install isn’t commonly required. Indeed, the component page makes no reference to needing to install anything, so it should auto-install.
Are you saying that the library doesn’t auto-install, or are you trying to install a custom version?