How to integrate Assist Microphone with Wyoming protocol running on separate server?

Hi, I have set up Wyoming protocol on a separate server running openwakeword, piper, and whisper. Calling the local voice assistant set up with the Wyoming protocol on the phone app works great (with a small delay.) But I can’t figure out how to pipe the Assist Microphone integration into the openwakeword container on the other host. In the configuration for the Assist Microphone I see no way to point it to the external openwakeword container. I have searched a good deal but found no info on this. I just want to use the Microphone plugin to capture the mic and send it to the external openwakeword server. How is this done? It’s easy to set the address for Piper and Whisper in the Wyoming inegration. And I have the address set for openwakeword as well, but I don’t see how it “connects” to the Assist Microphone.

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Keen to see if anyone has done this yet.
Wondering if the new pi 5 (with an old ReSpeaker mic hat) would be able to handle wakeword & STT as a separate device/server to my homeassistant server.