How to integrate Google Home Speaker with ChatGPT using stt & tts


I’m doing a research for my daughter project and couldn’t achieve what I’m trying to do that I explained in subject.

My aim is when I tell something to google home speaker it should convert that speech with tts over home assistant, ask it to chatgpt via API (using node-red) and convert the reply that it got from ChatGPT to speech using stt.

Is is technically possible to get custom voice commands such as “hey google, special trigger word here that will trigger my automation how to do something” and get this command as text over home assistant?

I searched a lot of topic here, google and youtube but most of them are about to trigger the device actions which is not suits my approach.

Do you think it is possible?

Google removed the ability to integrate with IFTTT some time ago. That was the easiest way where you could speak variable text and have it run something of your choice in HA. You could possibly get something working with having it send messages to a Telegram bot, but that would be clunky and it would be way easier to use Assist in conjunction with a Satellite (ie. not Google Home).

Alternatively if you use Android and you’re happy to use Google Assistant on your phone rather than Google Home, you can do a lot more by using Tasker for example.

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You can do it with Atom Echo as triggering device. I’m using it similar way for my daughters to have speaking ChatGPT.

Thank you so much @mirecekd , the way that you followed is the almost exact same way of mine. The only different thing that I want to use google home nest speaker to take voice command (instead of esp32 atom) but I think it will take more time to spend little bucks to esp32 atom :slight_smile: