I think this is the issue, I have now looped back on the initial problem where it continually reports invalid authentication despite the authentication token being newly created and put in the same shortcut that was working before the iOS 18 update.
I recall this happening before and I cannot remember what ultimately clicked it into accepting the authentication token since once it worked, it worked and I didn’t need to think about it.
Here’s the log from it: Login attempt or request with invalid authentication from fe80::12:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx (fe80::12:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx). Requested URL: '/api/states/sensor.living_room_homepod_l_temperature'. (BackgroundShortcutRunner/3036.0.4 CFNetwork/1568.100.1 Darwin/24.0.0)
I’m experiencing an issue with one of my HomePods. I followed all the instructions from the initial post Typ A, and everything works perfectly, one of them consistently on four out of five HomePods. However sends the value “1” for humidity to the webhook. Temperature works Fine and the other four homepods work Fine with this Solution.
I have recreated the HomeKit automation at least 10 times, but the error persists. Interestingly, when I manually query the HomePod in HomeKit, it returns the correct value.
I’m completely stumped at this point. Has anyone else encountered a similar issue or have any suggestions on how to resolve this?
Thanks in advance for your help!
Edit: now i tried Integration Typ B without python but got the same Problem, in HomeKit it shows the correct humidity but in HA i still just get a „1“ for one of divers homepods, i dont geht it…
I just implemented Method B, and it is (now) working fine. In the json being sent, I have just the state and state_class, followed by an “attributes” dictionary with the other data points (unit_of_measurement, friendly_name, device_class) under that.
For those using the UI instead of entering the YAML directly:
For an input_boolean, use the “Toggle” helper.
For adding to HomeKit, go to the “HomeKit Bridge” integration, add a new entry, and include just the input_boolean sensor that you created.
I also added a helper to convert the temperature from Celsius to Fahrenheit.
I had tried putting the state_class under attributes, but then I received notifications about the state_class being missing. Even after moving it back, I’m still getting this message. Any ideas of what needs to be done to fix this?
Did you ever figure out how to solve your problem with humidity dropping to 0 or 1? I have 3 homepods and 1 works well but the other 2 are sending 0 unless I click the test automation button in homekit in which case it sends the correct value.
This is a Homekit issue but can’t seem to figure out what exactly is the issue.
Edit: I did some testing from outside the local network and it seems that the “Test This Automation” is running on that particular device (iPhone or MacBook) and it has access to the info from the Home app. The automation ran by HA will run on your AppleTV which might not see the sensor data properly. I wish Apple had another test button to target the device on which to run the automation.
I’m having the same issue with 2 of my HomePods. 1 works fine. Re-adding it changed it from 1 to 0… not really a solution but at least I saw a change
Edit: I’ve enrolled into the beta software and updated to 18.2 on Apple TV. Now one of the humidity sensors is correct and just 1 is showing up as 1. I’ve restarted the Apple TV and HomePod in question a few times and no update so it might be something to do with the software on Apple TV.
I gave up trying to use the home pod sensors. Instead I bought the inexpensive bluetooth thermometers from Govee and they work very reliable. Anyway I’m asking myself how a unit that heats up itself when in use is able to measure its surrounding temperature and humidity correctly.
I have the same problem after updating to iOS 18.2. Automation works only with manual checking. On iOS 18.1 it worked in automatic mode using method B. Has anyone figured out how to fix it?
It seems that HomePodOS 18.2 has broken some of the automations that run shortcuts.
Hitting ‘Test This Automation’ means running the automation on the device where you hit that button, typically your iOS or Mac OS device. That runs fine as neither iOS nor Mac OS have that same issue.
If you are running your HomeKit on an AppleTV, you should be fine though.
A simpe workaround for the time being, if you have a Mac, is creating a Shortcut with the same actions as your automation, and have it run from cron:
*/2 * * * * /usr/bin/shortcuts run "Your newly created Shortcut"
A caveat is that you may need an iOS device to create that Shortcut because of the HomeKit Variable insertion issue, as mentioned here before.
Also having this issue, which is causing havoc with my heating! I’m looking into setting up an automation using a Pushcut server on a secondary iPhone, I’ll keep you posted while we wait for Apple to fix this with HomePodOS 21