How to integrate Inkbird IBS-P02R and HA

I am looking to replace my old pool Thermometer and I would like to get something that I can check from HA :slight_smile: Searching the Internet I found this article and I am willing to take any of these three. Of course, I would like to go with the Inkbird IBS-P02R, and the author mentions it is possible to integrate it with HA / Has anyone integrated this already and has some know-how or article or anything?

the IBS-PO1B is supported. I use a IBS-TH1 and have the electronics in a plastic bag (outside the pool). Works great.

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Bought the thing but could not get it to work. Re-reading the article, the author did sai it was potentially possible that it would work with rtl_433. Ugh :face_with_spiral_eyes:

Apparently the device uses FSK modulation, (more on it here) which makes it, at least for now, incompatible with my lilygo-rtl_433.

And here, is a list of devices that are supported, and it’s not (yet?) in the list…

While FSK modulation has been added a while ago with RTL_433_ESP and subsequently OpenMQTTGateway for the LilyGo, the parent RTL_433 still seems to need to make some additions to the Inkbird decoder. Also it looks that the IBS-P02R uses 868 MHz rather than the 433 MHz, although this could also be region dependant, so the LilyGo would need to be a 868 MHz version for it to work properly once the decoder has been expanded. Alternatively any other RTL_433 implementation should also correctly decode it then.