Hello, i have successfull integrate my SMA Solar Inverters (Wechselrichter) Sunny Tripower STP6 and Sunny Boy Storage - and get alle the Informations.
But did i have to integrate the SMA Homemanager 2 too? It is in my Sunnyportal Page, but i can not login on the Device and add it in HA. Did i have to ingerate them, or get HA all the needed Informations from the Solar Inverters?
The Documentation (SMA Solar - Home Assistant) didn’t help and in this Community i found no helping informations.
24 x Panels 400W
2 x Sunny Tripower STP6.0-3AV (Solar Inverter for the modules)
1.x Sunny Boy Storage SBS5.0-10 (Solar Inverter for the Battery)
1 x LGE Prime Resu 10H
In HA i have configured with the SMA Integration the Solar Inverters.
But in every Inverter there are more than 80 Entities. How i have to configure the Energy Card (Which entities for Add Consuption and Add Return)?
In this Community and in the Web i didn’t find the required informations?
I don’t have a battery, but still a SMA Tripower 8. However, if you can manage this part, the rest should be possible too, as it follows the same logic.
You have successfully set up the SMA integration?
If you click on (1) then you should find: (including the current values provided by the device)
sensor.pv_gen_meter (DC side) or
sensor.total_yield (AC side after inversion by the SMA)
You have to decide which one makes sense for your statistics. If the battery integration is hooked up on the DC side, it could make sense to choose pv_gen_meter. Otherwise I suggest to take total_yield as you can only “use” the power that goes to the grid.
You should be able to choose in the Energy Card (if you are speaking about this: Energy Cards - Home Assistant) the total amount of solar power created. There wont be so many entities visible in the selection box, only those that deliver their values in kWh:
Thanks a lot for your help. I configure the SMA Devices (without Homemanager):
Now i want to use the Energy Card (like from you link) - but i don’t understand what is mean. Add Consumption - means this what comes from the Panels and is this sensor.total_yield from booth Solar Solar inverter (from the Modules, not from the Battery)?
At this moment, i use this visualation - but i want too use the energy card as well:
As it is dark now, PV production is 0 (2) and my consumption (3) equals my grid import (4). (EMH = “Energiezähler”, I built my own integration with a photo coupler and by reading the D0 signal via the SML protocol etc.)
Maybe in your case, grid and total consumption are available via the SMA machinery as I believe that you get this automatically because it is needed for the battery control.
The Energy Card is a ready made dashboard and after installation, it shows up in the sidebar, see (5), not under (1).
Today my Installation was finished and now i want to integrate it in the Energy Card / Dashboard. But i think m configuration is not correct. Can you (or anybody other) help me to configure this?
Can you help me please which of the entitys comes on which settings - based on: SMA Solar - Home Assistant - begining with Battery Inverter?
Sorry that I can’t help any further. As I said, I have no battery and don’t know how it would show up in your system and which values are made available in the SMA integration.
You must understand that the software of the SMA devices run in a generic mode to a certain extent.
E.g. I have a “blank” Tripower 8, without any integrated Energy Meter component, or Home Manager etc. Still, the SMA device software of my Tripower (not the HA integration!) exposes all the registers of a potential full setup on modbus (that is another story), but the registers that map battery, energy meter and so on deliver no values: NaN, 0 or nonsense.
In your case, you have competitive (2 x STP6) and complementary (SBS5) devices that very likely talk to each other. It could be that you find the same values in more than one device (I would call this “mirrored registers” but that’s not SMA techi-talk, they call it surely different). The only thing you can do is to examine the values that the SMA HA integration displays and cross check what makes sense.
Thanks for your information - i got it now running :).
My problem was, that the Energydashboard require the entities in Watt - but the SMA reports it in Kilowatt, so i create helperentities and use them ;).
I share this information, maybe it help some other:
My Setup is:
1 x SMA Homemanger 2
2 x SMA Inverter STP6.0-3AV-40 (for the Modules) - WR-PV-Links and WR-PV-Rechts
1 x SMA Inverter Sunny Boy Storage SBS5.0-10 - WR-Batterie
24 x Luxor Modules 415 Watt
1 x LG Prime RESU 10h
In Devices are this the configured like this:
Now i configure helper entities:
pv_wr_145_grid_kw (for WR-PV-Links) = Integration - Rieman Sum Integral Sensor / Method: Left Riemann Sum / Precision: 3 / Metric: Kilo / Time Unit: Hours / Input Sensor: sensor.sn_SERIALNUMBER_grid_power
pv_wr_245_grid_kw (for WR-PV-Rechts) = Integration - Rieman Sum Integral Sensor / Method: Left Riemann Sum / Precision: 3 / Metric: Kilo / Time Unit: Hours / Input Sensor: sensor.sn_SERIALNUMBER_grid_power
pv_wr_batt_einspeisung (for WR-Batterie, sending Power from Net) = Integration - Rieman Sum Integral Sensor / Method: Left Riemann Sum / Precision: 3 / Metric: Kilo / Time Unit: Hours / Input Sensor: sensor.sn_SERIALNUMBER_metering_power_absorbed
pv_wr_batt_netzbezug (for WR-Batterie, receivng Power from Net) = Integration - Rieman Sum Integral Sensor / Method: Left Riemann Sum / Precision: 3 / Metric: Kilo / Time Unit: Hours / Input Sensor: sensor.sn_SERIALNUMBER_metering_power_supplied
You see, yesterday was 2.3 KW generated from the Sun, from this gets 2.1 in my House for direct consumption and 0.2 in the Battery - 10.2 KW was received from the Net.
You dived deeper into the whole topic and set up Rieman Sum Integrals.
There was no need for me to calculate this myself, my SMA sensors delivered all the values I need in kWh (“h”=hours is the integral over time already).
(I renamed the sensor!)
But anyhow, working with Rieman Sum Integrals was surely a good exercise.