How to integrate Varta Battery in HA

Hello everyone,

I would like to integrate my electricity storage from Varta into HA and I have already found something on github that seems to work GitHub - Vip0r/vartastorage . Unfortunately, I have no idea how I can integrate the battery into HA based on the description. I have neither experience with python nor any other programming things. Could someone explain to me in detail what I have to do exactly? that would be great,

thank you very much, regards


did you make any progress on this?
I copied all the files and added the integration to HA.
However, the integration is unable to connect to the Varta battery.
It shows the correct IP, also the ID of my Varta device, but it keeps retrying to connect.
I didn’t provide a username and password, as I am not aware I have one for the battery.
What did happen is, that the Varta battery stopped working and its light was flashing.
I had to restart the device to get it to work again. So something happened, just not what I wanted.