How to intergrate oil tank info to HA


I’m new to HA, I have been using Domoticz, but I maybe switch to HA if I’m geting everything working.

At the moment I’m having the problem to get my oil tank info into HA. For that I had a lua program in Domoticz (see below) but I have no idea how to do that in HA…

I’m have the sensors in HA


but I do not know where and how to make the calculation and display this in HA.

Maybe someone can help or point me in the right direction.

Kind regards


in Domoticz I had this:

– Input devices: Temperature and level index of Domoticz devices
– Temp and Distance of NodeMCU DS18B20 and distances
temp_idx = 15
temp_name = ‘oil tank temperature’
depth_idx = 16
depth_name = ‘oil tank dictance’

– Output devices: In percent and liters index of virtual device in Domoticz virtual
pct_sensor_idx = 17
volume_sensor_idx = 18

– liquid expansion
– reference temperature 15°C
ref_temp = 15
– Heizöl Flüssigkeitsausdehnung 8,4 l pro 1.000 l
expansion_coeff = 1.00084

– tank dimensions
tank_height = 148
tank_area = 147 * 197

commandArray = {}

if (devicechanged[depth_name]) then

-- Get the current distance to oil
depth = otherdevices_svalues[depth_name]

-- Calculate percentage and volume
pct = (tank_height - depth) / tank_height * 100
volume = (tank_height - depth) * tank_area / 1000

-- Calculate the liquid expansion
    tank_temp = otherdevices_svalues[temp_name]

if (tank_temp ~= nil) then
	temp_delta = tank_temp - ref_temp
  	scale = math.pow(expansion_coeff, temp_delta)
  	pct = pct * scale
  	volume = volume * scale

commandArray[1] = {['UpdateDevice'] = pct_sensor_idx .. "|0|" .. math.ceil(pct)}
commandArray[2] = {['UpdateDevice'] = volume_sensor_idx .. "|0|" .. math.ceil(volume)}


return commandArray