How to invert entity state?


I have use NO relay for my main water valve. So if the main power is off my house, I can still get water.

But my mushroom card entity state show “main water valve off”. How can I change that?

Which integration did you use to connect the relay to home assistant?

As Tom stated, normally your integration should be able to handle this. So please check there first! :slight_smile:

Nonetheless, there is an integration, that could help you with that:

N.O. = Normally Open. If there is no power to energize the relay, then the N.O. contacts won’t close. I.E., no power=no water.

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I just assumed there was some reason they couldn’t use the NC contact. In hindsight that was pretty dumb.

I use Kincony KC868-A8 board. ESP32.
My water valve has 2 inputs.
1 input = Open valve
2 input = Close valve

I use Kincony board relay. Relay has NO/NC output.

Main thing is, if power goes off for kincony board or something else happen. I can get water

Interesting, there must be some difference in the naming of these things around the world… :laughing:

In Germany it’s quite the opposite: if a valve is NO, it let’s fluid through, with no power. NC is closed without power.

In the US, a valve is not a relay.

Rereading your post, I gather that you are using a normally-open valve. I first read that you had a relay controlling a valve.

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Thanks Steve! :slight_smile:

I didn’t noticed we’re talking about a relay, I just assumed water = valve :joy: So things aren’t that different on the other side of the pond. :laughing:

I’m old enough to remember when a triode was a valve depending on which side of the pond you live.

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:rofl: Me too! :rofl: