I use OpenDTU which talks to an Hoymiles inverter and provides the data via MQTT to home assistant.
Now I want this inverter in a different place and function.
Therefore I am looking for a way to rediscover the inverter with a different device name, but without deleting the history data of its old role.
My idea is to delete the device from the MQTT integration.
Then change the name of the inverter from InverterA to InverterB in OpenDTU.
Finally having HA to rediscover it.
The goal is to get a new device InverterB with a set of entities named eg sensor.inverterb_power, but still have access to data from sensor.invertera_power.
Potential problem may be that OpenDTU use the serial number of the inverter to build the mqtt topic tree, this s/n will of course not change.
Will that work or are there alternative ways??
Has anybody experience with such reconfiguration?
Maybe I should split my questions:
Will all related database content be deleted, if I remove the device from the mqtt integration?
I assumed, that this is not the case, but like to double check…
Hi Tom,
Thank you for the link. I thought that other users must also be challenged by similar situations.
The described procedure seem to match my case.
It is worth a try.