How to know if a light is ON when triggered (switched on) by RFXTRX?

The RFXTRX integration is installed.
The transceiver RFXTRX433XL is paired.
The RFXTRX recognizes the signals from the remote control.
The codes of the on/off signals can be found in the logbook.
You can use these codes to switch the light on and off.
But… Now, how do I know if the bulb is ON or OFF?

Can someone help me?

You make a toggle helper.

  • When you catch an ON signal from the remote, then you make automation with a service call to set the toggle helper to on.
  • When you catch an OFF signal from the remote, then you make automation with a service call to set the toggle helper to off.
  • When you press ON for your light in HA, then you make an automation with a service call to set the toggle to ON and also a service call to send the remote signal bulb on.
  • When you press OFF for your light in HA, then you make an automation with a service call to set the toggle to off and also a service call to send the remote signal to turn the bulb off.

With devices that have no state returning, then you always have to assume state instead.
Should the state be wrong, then another click in HA or on the remote will correct it with this setup.

You can never know for sure, I tried. As Wally says, you can use a helper to track the signals for the remote. But ever so often, a signal from the remote is missed (either by bad signal or HA restarting or whatever), and your helper is not aligned any more with your light.
I still have some 433Mhz lights installed, but for these I use a Sonoff Rf , and I know the state from the Sonoff

I used to have this issue with lights controlled by a Broadlink RF remote. The only solution I found was to run a housekeeping automation every night which turned the HA switch off and sent an off command via RF for every light, so at least they started the day in sync.

This was fine for my own purposes, but it fell apart when I had visitors pressing buttons all over the house. :roll_eyes:

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Thank you very much Gentlemen! Your answers give me more insight and confirm what I already suspected. For now, I’m going for the ‘Helper’ and the housekeeping automation, which I will have carried out twice a day. Thanks again and I will report here how it works for me. Sincerely, Peter Vroomen