How to know if I'm running lovelace?

Hello everybody. So this is probably a stupid question but reading the release notes for release 105 saying that the old states UI is depricated I’m suddenly unsure. How do I know that I’m actually using lovelace?

I have been using home assistant since before lovelace was announced and have only used the groups as viewes (front-end isn’t really my thing) and haven’t really taken any time to get into how lovelace works. So what happens if I update and I’m not using lovelave? How can I start using it?


Left hand menu, developer tools, info

Built using Python 3, Polymer, Icons by Google and

Frontend version: 20200130.2 - latest

Go to the states UI (DEPRECATED)
Set states (DEPRECATED) as default page on this device

Should see something like that

I hit my “Go to states UI” link just for S&G’s, and after zooming so everything is in view… :rofl:


So I haven’t upgraded yet so this is what I see. Does this mean I’m using lovelace? It says “auto-gen”.

:+1: yup, you are

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If you are viewing the Lovelace UI, your browser will show a URL like this:


If you are viewing the states UI, your browser will show a URL like this:


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Oh! That was easy! Thanks! :smiley:

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