How to listen for button presses on Zigbee Remote control

I got a EGLO connect.z Smart Home Remote Control 2.0 from amazon to have a way of controlling my HASS from a wide radius when the network shits itself. Initially i hoped it would just expose every button as entity so i can just listen to the button press in automations. But it only exposes some unuseful entities sadly. Now i know that the commands from the buttons have to go through zigbee so HASS must recieve them at some point so i was wondering how i can get HASS to catch those and use them. I was told there was a trick with listening to zha_events on http://homeassistant.local:8123/developer-tools/event but sadly that does not trigger anything for me and another person i asked to test it.

Are all the events from this remote recognised by ZHA? I can’t see it on the Blackadder list (although that doesn’t mean it won’t work - just that nobody has tried it). There are no references to it in the ZHA device handlers issues list either.

It does appear to be supported by Z2M:

You may have to find or construct a custom quirk.

@Stiltjack Can you test the zha_event monitoring in dev tools? I don’t have ZHA setup on any of my instances here, so I can’t test it. But, it’s curious to me that @Bluscream doesn’t see any events coming in on the zha_event bus. :thinking:

I have found the code where they seem to implement the remote:

Sadly i am not knowledged enough to know how to convert any of this to a custom quirk myself. Any help would be appreciated. I am going to attach some logs and debug files/events

Since i cannot attach non-images here i uploaded the files at Zigbee zha EGLO 99099 3 groups remote controller debugging · GitHub

I have also found a custom quirk PR that supposedly adds support for the device at Issues · zigpy/zha-device-handlers · GitHub, but none of the identifiers from any of my debug logs appear in that, instead it says TLSR82xx which i cant find anywhere for my remote