How to locate the watchman report items from Dwains Dashboard

I am relatively new to HA and just learned about Watchman. I have installed and run the report which reports over 200 entities missing, unavailable, or unknown. Almost every one shows it is located in the dwains-dashboard/configs/entities.yaml file.

I have searched and found one post Help finding things in Watchman report please that didn’t seem to address this issue. Can anyone aid in how I can locate and clean up these missing items?


Most of those are probably examples which don’t actually exist in your setup.

  description: Activates an Entity Controller. Turns on the entity and transitions
    to the active_timer state. This also clears the blocked state if set.
      description: Name(s) of entities to trigger.
      example: 'entity_controller.motion_light'

  description: Clears the blocked state of an Entity Controller, if set
      description: Name(s) of entities to change.
      example: 'entity_controller.motion_light'

  description: Enables the blocked state of an Entity Controller, if timer is active
      description: Name(s) of entities to change.
      example: 'entity_controller.motion_light'

In Watchman settings you can set ignored files to:


…and they’ll go away.

Thanks, I did find some info on ignoring, I’m a little OCD, so it felt like I was just sweeping things under the rug if I ignored them :slight_smile: as opposed to fixing them.

I agree entirely when it comes to stuff you’ve created yourself, but the contents of the custom components folder are not your responsibility! :grin: