How to make a 0-5V voltage output from an anemometer trigger a scene

I’ve just ordered a Pi4B with 4GB of Ram to port my Tuya app to a local devic.
So I’m not even new to HA yet!
I couldn’t find an affordable WiFi anemometer so went with a cheap voltage output dumb one.
I could feed that into an analogue input of an Arduino (I know how to do that). But then I’m sort of stuck. How can I get HA to read that (either analogue or digital)?
And how can I get it to trigger a scene at a particular level, like an alarm.
I want that level to retract an awning.
I can operate that now with my Tuya app manually…
Any help is very welcome!

You could, but it’s cumbersome and expensive. Much easier solution would be to use a esp (for example a $2 esp32-c3 supermini which comes with wifi) together with esphome. Maybe you need a voltage divideras the analog inputs are usually limited to 3.3V on ESPs. Or you can use some additional hardware to connect the analog input like a ads1115.

It’s also possible to find ready made hardware build on a ESP that offer already a wider input voltage - I think the Shelly uni is such a device…

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Thanks very much for your advice!
I’ll go with the ESP32-C3 with voltage divider suggestion.
I’ll see if I can learn to write the code to output the data (presumably 8bit) to the wifi radio.
Maybe someone can steer me on the right track as to the format HA can use, and suggest how often it should be sent etc?

I’m reading the ESP home documentation at the moment. Going with ESP3-C3 mini and ESP home looks interesting enough.
I’ve ordered a couple already.