How to make a custom cover device?

I´m very new to home assistant and have a problem that I can’t solve:

I have a cover switch installed at my window and in HA it is shown as 2 lights. one for down, one for up. When I switch on one of these “lights”, cover is moving to the end.

The cover needs 10 seconds from up to full down.
Is it possible to create a cover device where I can set percentage based on seconds to move?
Like the built-in cover device in HA?

Searched for a while, but can´t find a solution.

can anybody help?

thanx a lot

Good lord. What integration is doing that?

Possibly, but without position feedback small errors will add up and the cover position will end up out of sync with home assistant. One way around this if moving from one percentage to another would be to run it beyond the time for fully open or fully closed first then back to the new percent setting.

Not a simple template cover but it should be do-able. I’m probably not the one to help though. I don’t have any covers and have only messed with the template cover “in theory”.

There is a custom integration here somewhere called “time based cover” which is doing exactly that.

Thanx a lot.
Tried to get it working without any success.
Think I´m to new to this to manage that.