You will need a relay module (ESP01-S+Relay) and a BS18B20 temperature probe, as well as a 4.7k resistor, cables, and a 5V power supply.
How to do it?
At the very beginning, upload the Tasmota to the ESP-01S and connect to your WIFI network. It is best to immediately assign a static IP address to the device.
Then you need to solder the DS18B20 sensor pins to the base as shown in colors in the photo. A-red (+3.3V), B-yellow signal, C-black ground.
DS18x20 temperature sensor - Tasmota
Insert the WIFI module into the socket
Connect the power supply
Configure the module
Configure MQTT
Open the console and set:
rule1 ON DS18B20#temperature<26 DO Power1 1 ENDON ON DS18B20#temperature>27 DO Power1 0 ENDON
rule1 on
This video will be helpful:
All components can be purchased on aliexpress.