How to make a trigger "for" based on a counter variable?

i tried the following:

type: no_sound
platform: device
device_id: 59e4a5924b8ff10ec647889ab7444274
entity_id: d6ffed815c0bf6d8f8b851a6844e54e3
domain: binary_sensor
for: {{ states('counter.shadow_feeder_counter') }}

but it is not working as a trigger.

also the following is not working:

type: no_sound
platform: device
device_id: 59e4a5924b8ff10ec647889ab7444274
entity_id: d6ffed815c0bf6d8f8b851a6844e54e3
domain: binary_sensor
  hours: 0
  minutes: 2
  seconds: "{{ states('counter.shadow_feeder_counter') | multiply(60) | int }}"

What i want is that the time the sensors need to be on or off, is based on a counter entity/helper that i created.

Or how would i do this? help is appriciated :slight_smile:

Device triggers don’t support templates.

You want a state trigger instead.