I have a mqtt button in HA that sends 433mhz signal via rf bridge
How do I get alexa to see this?
I’ve managed to get alexa connected to my home assistant
I have a mqtt button in HA that sends 433mhz signal via rf bridge
How do I get alexa to see this?
I’ve managed to get alexa connected to my home assistant
Need a bit more information about your system and what you’re trying to do.
Does this mean you have a Nabu Casa account? If so, the method of exposing entities to Alexa changed with 2023.5.
Are you trying to trigger an Alexa routine with your button? If so Alexa does not recognise many device classes. Input_boolean and door both work.
Arr, no it’s not nabu cassa.
I followed the tutorial to do it manually, God that as hard.
I would like to allow alexa to trigger the button when I set off a routine