How to make Manufacturer Proprietary for Fibaro controllable in HA

I try to integrate fibaro Rollershutters into Hassio. It works good so far but I can not control tilt. Which is a Manufacturer Proprietary and available in ZWaveJS to Mqtt. In there I can control it. But I can’t find a way to expose this to HA. Anybody had luck with that ? Any idea?


I have exactly the same problem. Did you manage to control the tilt?

Thank you

Yes , with the wave value command.

Thank you cmik!
I also managed to get the tilt work with the zwave_jsl.set_vaue command.
What did you do after that in order to make it usable in home assistant ?
Could you please share your lovelace card?

Nice you could figure it out. I just made some scripts with different lamella position and put them on the ha card for the blinds. Also i use some of the scripts in automation to set lamellas to 50 in the morning or to 20 percent when the tv is on an the light sensor is getting a certain amount of light.

type: entities

  • entity: cover.fibaro_system_fgrm222_roller_shutter_controller_2_level
    state_color: true
    type: buttons
    • script.jalousie_wz_lamellen_0
    • script.jalousie_wz_lamellen_10
    • script.jalousie_wz_lamellen_30
    • script.jalousie_wz_lamellen_40
    • script.jalousie_wz_lamellen_50
    • script.jalousie_wz_lamellen_99

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Great, can you please share the code for the scripts 0-9?