How to make my dumb ceiling fan smart?

Hi All, I have a couple of old ceiling fans that I’m hoping to make smart.

Looks like this with the cover removed -

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

What country are you in? (device availability varies by country)

What kind of fan? (you’ll likely replace that switch /controller device in its entirety)

Do you currently use any other devices that are ZWave, Zigbee or Wi-Fi for lighting control?

Thanks for the reply @NathanCu

Located in Australia

Happy to replace the fan control dial components, full control of the fan is via the dial.
There is a 1 light on the fan but it switched elsewhere (currently has a hue bulb, so it’s “always on” at the switch.
Fan speeds 3/4/5 are the main ones used, 1/2 are largely useless.

I have a stack of zigbee devices (via Z2M) already, open to Shelly/other home assistant integrated devices.

Items will be installed via an electrician due to the rules in AU, just want to make sure I’m looking in the right spot/providing the right hardware suggestions that talk to Home Assistant.