How to make my smart (thermostat) heating system even more smart?

Just for you all to have an idea on my heating setup in my home:

  • I have a Gas heating boiler (Buderus Logomax On/Of type) which is almost 15 years old, so definitely not able to make it smart by an addon of the vendor/brand itself
  • I have 3 Honeywell thermostats in my home: 2x Lyric T6 wired and 1x Honeywell T4R wireless, so that means also 3 seperate circuits in my home controlled by an electronic valve.
  • And for now I have 2 MOES Zigbee Radiator Thermostat controllers of the type TRV TS0601

What do I want to achieve is that my 2 MOES Radiator controllers can control/trigger the heating system/boiler via HA to warm the house and to actually bypass the honeywell thermostats.
I am not sure how the circuits on the gas heating installation work, but the electronic valves must also be opened to open the water circuit, so I think it is easier to achieve if I short circuit some of the Honeywell cables… because like I see it an On/Off system is nothing more then a relay is On/Closed or Off/Open.

See below some pictures of my honeywell thermostat receivers. Like I said it is simply an On/Off system, but which cables do you think that I should short circuit? T&T or A&B?

Not sure if you may need some additional hardware to achieve this, maybe some sort of relay on the cabling you’ve shown (don’t hold me to that, I’m neither an electrician or a plumber!) but have you had a look into something like Better Thermostat/Awesome Thermostat?

This allows the TRVs to trigger the heating, rather than setting up complicated automations. I had some level of success with these, but am on Nest so ended up getting rate limited via the APIs quite quickly.

I indeed need additional hardware for this to achieve… a zigbee relay/switch or something like I was thinking about.

Thanks for sharing the awesome thermostat integration project, but it seems a bit complicated for me for what I want to achieve.

I actually want to make it very simple for the other persons living in the same home :slight_smile: that they can simply press and change the room temperature like they want and that are not bound to any predefined schedule running on the honeywell thermostat.

So all I need to know is which cable to short circuit actually to achieve my goal…

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Anyone an idea and/or experience with Honeywell thermostats?