How to „manage“ Dashboards


I’ve just started playing with HA and I was wondering how you all manage dashboards.

My devices:

  • phones (small, portrait)
  • tablet (slightly larger, landscape)
  • tv (large, readable from across the room)
  • tv (large, close by)
  • laptop (medium, close by)

My idea was to fine tune dashboards to fit one of those devices. That would mean I’d have up to 5 dashboards displaying almost the same thing.

I thought that might be possible with users? That way I could hide the dashboards that are not optimised for the size of the device using that user?

Or is there a better way?

Yes, that is the easiest way I have found is to assign Lovelace pages to users.

I have made a user for my tablet on the wall and can only see the pages it needs. Same with my family users. I would suggest making a user for each major community device and log into the TV/tablet that way. It also makes it easy if you need to do any permission or page changes with the devices.

On everyone’s phone I have put a shortcut on the front page of their phone to log in directly to the page setup for these devices using the HA app (iPhone’s).

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Custom:layout-card (in HACS) supports mediaquery so you can modify the layout on the fly to fit your device. One dashboard, responsive design…

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