How to manually enter (type) my house monthly energy consumption?

Hi Everyone,

Pls don’t ask why I want do to that :grinning:. So, is it possible to manually type, one time per month, my house energy consumption? That value I can read in my monthly bill ? My goal is to start to record this information manually and in the future, look for something better.

Would be also great to enter previous months values (I am ok to use MySQL insert queries if needed).

I am quite sure Powercal can’t do it.

Thank you

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Interesting question, I think you should be able to do this by creating an input number helper (under settings → Devices and Services → Helpers). That will create an entity that you can manually input (or update via a service call) but I’m not sure how to use that in the energy dashboard if that is what you are planning.

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Hi Everyone,

No more suggestions ?

I appreciate your help.
